
It hasn’t even been a week, and I’m already behind – Days 5 and 6


I went to brunch with the gal pals for a birthday shindig. It was my first official boozy brunch, followed by 3 hours of day drinking, where I didn’t drink. It honestly wasn’t too bad. I saved a lot of money, and didn’t really feel like I was missing out.

Breakfast I had a banana (my last banana until the next grocery ship, so we’ll need to be creative moving forward with week 2 breakfasts.)

Lunch was brunch – and I had a spinach and tomato omelette, with potatoes and a side salad.

After brunch we went to another bar with all the beverages and massive cookies from Chip – I pushed through sipping on my seltzers with a lime. Here’s me and the girls having a laugh.


Dinner was a turkey burger and some sauteed spinach.

Not sure why, but I could not sleep at all, so I knew Monday was going to be rough. – Lets get into it.


Slept maybe three hours in total. It was horrible. I woke up with a massive headache. My legs kept twitching me awake, and I just could not get comfortable. I looked up “sugar detox symptoms” and it literally reads:

  • Headaches
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Anxiety

I am always anxious so thats nothing new, but the other 3 are SPOT ON. Every other time I did Whole 30, I continued drinking alcohol, which was (lets be honest) wine, 5 out of the 7 days a week. So I never really fully cut out sugar. Man is it ROUGH.

I didn’t eat breakfast because I woke up late due to lack of sleep.

For lunch I had a steak salad. It was not enjoyable.

For dinner I had a hard boiled egg and a apple with almond butter. By the time I got home from work, I went for a quick 2 mile run and I just wasn’t really hungry for a meal. Quite the dinner, I know.

Ok. I’ll try to get back on track moving forward. No promises though. ✌🏼

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